Sunday, May 17, 2009


Can´t you hear Sly calling her name? OK, stick a fork in me, I´m done. Jenny Grace and I did somewhere in the 30 mile range (we were supposed to do almost 60) and we are fried. There were some learnings from today...our touring bikes can´t stay on the camino. We need to stick to the roads!

We spent our legs and our backs (and just about any other juice we had) getting our bikes up a fairly large mountain...this all took place by noon today. We still then had another 20plus miles to cycle which was almost miserable in the heat and with the extreme weight of our bikes.

BTW, in case I haven´t complained yet, our bikes are HEAVY. I´m used to riding on a 17lb all carbon Bianchi. Um, these bikes definitely aren´t carbon. Plus, pack them full of our ¨stuff¨and Houston, we have serious weight issues.

Tomorrow, we´re going to the Post to ship some goodies home. We need to (especially Jenny G) to trim down on what we´re carrying around. Plus, we now need to make up for the time we lost today.

Tonight (after a 9 hour day of cycling) we checked in to an Alburge (spelling) for 6 Euro (awesome!!!). I´m sleeping in a dorm in a twin with mostly hikers. I have a feeling there will be lots and lots of snoring. Met a German who thought Jen and I were exotic because we are female cyclists. Yeah, that´s right. Not a lot of women on the Camino and definitely no other females riding bikes. Almost forgot one thing. ALMOST passed out coming up a hill today. I couldn´t get unclipped because it was too steep and I could no longer breathe (asthma). Everything got dark and very fuzzy. BUT...I made it and still had fun (sort of).

That´s my update for the day. Hopefully tomorrow will be much better (although I hear we have some challenging terrain coming up).

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