Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 9: Sarria -

We're sorry-ia is was so hard to get to Sarria! To summarize, no brakes on the bike this am. Didn't get started until 9:40. 8km in, almost got tan over (no, I'm not kidding) by a semi. Apparently the freeway was closed & traffic was rerouted onto our tiny road. After I almost muerte, I burst into tears and we took a taxi up the hill. Oh, almost forgot about the POURING rain. Into the fog we went. Got dropped off, decided to take a "short cut" which took us down a 6" ft wide (no kidding) "road", which was dirt/mud with a stream running down the middle. 6km on foot later, I had no cleat (spelling) & could no longer clip in/ride with both feet...

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